GURUCAN vs. Teachable

See why Gurucan is the better Teachable

We offer a mobile app that actually does work. Things are not done halfway. Check out for yourself.

App iOS & Android
Mobile Admin Panel
Transaction Fees
Instant Payouts
Free trial
Challenges or Drip content
Workouts & Nutrition Plans
Paid Chats



Yes, 5%
30 days




A mobile app, that actually works!

iOS & Android App for your online courses

Unlike others, Gurucan is focused on mobile first! We believe in the power of education anywhere, not just on web!

Offer your courses to your students on the go, send push notifications, chat with your students through the app and many more features.

We won't charge you any commissions. Never!

We know how challenging, time- & cost intensive it is to create a course. Therefore, we don't think we deserve any commission for your hard work!

We simply give you the platform to build and sell your courses for a flat, monthly fee.

Your branded mobile & web app

We went actually one step further. With our white label solution, build your brand on the web and for mobile.

No need to build your own online course app from scratch. Save tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to go to market.

Check out our White Label solution.

Let's get you set up on Gurucan.
Done-For-You Service.

Personal onboarding call

Content set up or migration to your Gurucan Account

Free with any paid monthly or annual plans

From tech to legal help

Learn more
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Do you want more brand identity? 

Create your white label App. Because you can.

Ready to go?

Start building your digital business today!