Switching to something new is always stress. Before changing your old shoes for new ones, check out you are not putting nothing over nothing.
There are dozens of platforms to create a fantastic online course. But if you are just at the beginning of your course journey or you are not satisfied with the solution you've chosen, Gurucan team is here to help you.
Why is it worth choosing Gurucan to make your online course
1. Gurucan admin panel is simple and easy-to-understand
A lot of people with no technical background suffer from the complexity of IT solutions. However, Gurucan was crafted for people who are not developers and have no degree in tech sciences.
Everyone can set up an online course. Admin panel contains everything you need for a detailed tuning of your course. It's easy to choose what modules you need in your e-school.

Moreover, you can easily which between app and landing page settings. Control over every part of your e-business is one of the main advantages of Gurucan platform.

Bloggers love numbers more than any data analyst. That's why Gurucan admin panel has a statistics and analytics tab showing all the necessary data. Now you can control the number of your subscribers, the profit you get for a stated period of time, and some other valuable data about your online course. Every number can be reached in one click!
All the tabs are user-friendly and do not require specialized knowledge to understand them. Just common sense is needed!
2. Tips for creating an online course
That's always a challenge to create something new. Especially if you've never done it before. To save you want from noob feeling, we made the tips leading you through all the process of online course creation.
Following our manager's hints, you can make everything faster and stressless. Just follow up the steps described in the tips. They concern various stages — from creating a landing page to statistics analysis. Don't be afraid that something will go wrong — Gurucan tips will not let it happen.
3. Import and export of existing followers
Let's imagine. You have a some-thousand audience on the other platform. Everything is ok, but you're not satisfied with the features an e-learning solution offers you. But you don't want to migrate to another platform as you're afraid to lose all the clients.
Now you don't need to be afraid. Gurucan has made it painless to import or export existing audience from another platform. It could be done automatically, so everyone can make it.
4. Friendly customer support on every plan
If you've decided to migrate from another e-learning solution, we will help you to transfer your content to Gurucan platform. Our customer support is here to help and answer all the questions.
Gurucan team got you covered. You just need to enjoy your courses and produce more creative content for online course, not thinking about tech problems.
5. New unique features
Gurucan is not a simple standard online course platform. We always strive to create new features to make your courses more engaging. With our platform, you can develop challenges or nutrition or fitness courses easily.
Of course, you might need more time to adapt your existing content to what we offer. But later you will enjoy the way you can easily manage your content with Gurucan solution.

Gurucan helps you to present any of your content in a more sophisticated manner. For example, you have small lessons or blog posts. Challenge mode will be a perfect solution for your e-learning business idea. You will be able to divide your information into little parts and make it as a game. People love engaging content and competitive spirit.
Moreover, one of the most attractive Gurucan features is a white label mobile app. Today, a mobile app is a must to engage people and to attract more audience, in particular, Generation Z. It's always great to try something new, to be at the beginning of some mainstream. Mobile apps for online courses only now start to gain their popularity. So, it's great if you are among the first mobile app creators.

Some tips to make migration easy
- Don't forget to notice your existing followers
If you don't want to lose your existing audience, don't make migration process a pure surprise for them. Surprises are great, but not in this situation. People want to know in advance when some radical changes are going to happen. Write an email or send a notification to keep them updated.
- Tell about the advantages of a new solution
Of course, you want to save your audience. To do this, tell about the evident and not advantages of a new platform. For example, tell more about your new mobile app or challenges you're planning to do. It will interest people and they would love to try something new from you.
- Build a strong community
This point is a long-term strategy. It can't be done just in one day. The main idea is to build a loyal community so they follow you everywhere you go. You can make a discount or a free course for those who migrate with, you. Believe us, it will motivate them to try your new online course solution.
Gurucan is striving to make your migration as pleasant as it can ever be. We believe that creators need more inspiration to craft great content. They don't need to be gurus at technical spheres. Gurucan is here for you.