11 min
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September 7, 2022

How To Monetise Your Social Media Audience as an Online Course Creator

Social media is an extremely powerful tool when it comes to digital marketing. No matter what your business is, it offers you an excellent way to grow your brand, increases your traffic, and sell more of your product and service.

It also gives you a powerful tool to engage with your audience on a more personal level, and, in the process, you connect with your audience, build relationships, and build customer loyalty.

Now, social media and online courses have always been an excellent match for each other. It gives you a platform to promote and market your courses and the opportunity to engage with your audience, which is especially important with online courses where you want to build a relationship and community around it.

So, now the question is how you would monetize your audience as an online course creator. With this post, we'll look at this question in more detail and give you an easy guide that you can use to monetize your audience on a few platforms.

Social media for online course

How To Monetize Your Social Media Following?

As an online course creator, social media is the perfect platform for selling your product if you think about it. Unlike other digital marketing methods, you can create a community with social media. As you post valuable, relevant, and educational content to this community and create value for your customers, they'll be more likely to invest in further learning and all your other courses.

Now, apart from this, you also have several other opportunities to monetize your social media audience, like, for example:

Keep in mind that this is just a small sample of what you could do to monetize your audience on social media and that there are many other strategies and tactics out there that you can use. With this in mind, let's look at some specific social media platforms and how you can monetize your audience on them.


Facebook is arguably one of the biggest social media platforms on the Internet today, and its usage numbers are staggering. For example, 68% of Americans use Facebook, and of this, 66% use it daily. About 200 million people are on Facebook groups, and 78% of American consumers say they have discovered and bought a product through Facebook.

Considering these numbers, it's easy to see why you should consider Facebook as one of the platforms to monetize your audience. Now, if you do, you have several options:


With about 126 million daily active users, Twitter is also one of the biggest social media platforms and the perfect place to build your audience if you're an online course creator. The platform differs fundamentally from Facebook, so the methods differ too.

Unlike Facebook, there are no groups or, for instance, things like product pages. You have your own Twitter account, and you might create a Twitter account for your course, but the core principle here is that you engage with prospects directly on the account. In this way, you build the following that you can market and promote your courses to, but the key is to create and share regular content relevant to your customers.

Like Facebook, though, you can use some of the following to monetize your audience:

Social media
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YouTube is the second largest website after Google, with more than two billion monthly users. Here, 74% of adults in the United States use YouTube, and 77% of 15-to-35-year-olds in the United States use the platform. It's a massive platform that you can use to build a following and monetize your audience.

Here, you also have a variety of options:


Instagram, the popular photo and video sharing social network service, can also be highly effective when you want to promote your courses and monetize your audience. Because it'sFacebook owns it, its monetization options are very similar to what you'd find there.

So, you could, for instance:

Social media audience


A recent entry in the social media space, TikTok, uses short-form mobile videos so that users can quickly and easily create short videos using their smartphones. This enables anyone to be a media creator. Considering that there are more than 800 million active users globally, it's a perfect place for you to build and monetize an audience.

Here, your options are:


Clubhouse is the latest entry in the social media space that's taking the world by storm. It's an audio-based app that lets you listen in on other people's live conversations. Think of it as almost listening to a podcast and allows you to listen to famous and influential people casually talking as if you were in a room with them.

Despite the platform being relatively new with no monetization options as of yet, there are some ways you can use it to monetize your audience:

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, this guide to monetizing your social media audience as an online course creator was helpful, and you found some valuable tips you could use to grow your audience and increase your revenue.

If you look at all these social media platforms, it's clear that the key takeaway is to shift your focus from selling to helping. In other words, if you move away from selling your course constantly to rather solving your audience's problems by providing value, the sales will follow naturally, and your audience will keep growing.

At Gurucan, we provide you with all the tools necessary to create, sell, and promote online courses while also making communication with students easier. With the platform, you can create online courses, including text, video, audio, images, and so much more. You can also create webinars and challenges, and it has all the features to optimize your business, like marketing automation, a CRM, and membership payment models.

If you'd like to find out more about our platform, feel free to visit our website for more details

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