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· Posted on
July 8, 2024

Is Your Customer Base Really Yours? Research on Online Booking Platforms

In 2024, many businesses have gained extensive experience with various online booking and business automation solutions. However, owners notice these platforms often direct customers to their own sites or apps, promoting competitors. We reviewed the world’s five most widely used solutions: Mindbody, Vagaro, Booksy, Altegio, and Treatwell, and investigated which of them build their business on ‘cannibalizing’ customer bases.

Most services offer core functionalities for small business management



Altegio is a new solution on the market that immediately stood out from the crowd as the only booking and scheduling application that does not “cannibalize” the customer base. Although the company promotes its own mobile app to your customers, they can’t find your competitors or any other business they haven’t booked yet. This is unlike other platforms that promote their apps with unlimited offers from various, even competing businesses.

Key Features:

Altegio stands out as the only booking and scheduling app that doesn't "cannibalize" the customer base. Although it promotes its own app to your customers, they can’t find your competitors or other businesses they haven't booked yet.

Key Features:

Aunio – Altegio’s Free Mobile App:

Chain Management:

Customer Service:


Treatwell is an online marketplace for booking beauty salons and spa treatments. However, business users cited high booking commissions and the need to offer significant discounts to attract new customers.

Key Features:


Booksy promotes its app through customer bases and competing offers. It doesn't charge a commission for repeat bookings.

Key Features:


Vagaro offers an appointment scheduling platform for beauty salons, fitness studios, and wellness centers. It promotes its app less intrusively.

Key Features:


Mindbody focuses on the fitness and wellness industry, promoting its marketplace and ClassPass.

Key Features:


Most services charge commissions and act as marketplaces, risking customer diversion to competitors. Only Altegio is designed to protect your customer base, ensuring your clients enjoy features without exposure to competing ads or notifications. With Altegio, maintain customer loyalty and grow your business without losing clients to competitors.

For more insights on email marketing, read the article "Top 10 Drag-and-drop Email Builders in 2024."

Additionally, explore "Top 7 no-code website builders in 2024" for an easy way to build or redesign your website.

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